Schedule Of Condition Report (SOC)
What is a Schedule of Condition Report?
Why is a Schedule of Condition Report important in asset management?
Schedule of Condition services
A Schedule of Condition Report includes photography, analysis and commentary relating to the physical condition of a space or property at the start of a lease arrangement, and can be used to form part of the lease agreement.
It provides clarity for all parties, particularly relating to end of lease obligations (make good) when measured against the condition of a property on occupation. Schedule of Condition Reports are considered key components in assisting to manage risk on lease agreements and can be an important document of the end of lease during make good negotiations.
AssetWize generate Schedule of Condition Reports that include the building services, building fabric and structure for both whole buildings and tenancies as required. Our approach is to consider the way in which the asset is used and capture the key aspects of the building that will be impacted through the life of occupation of an asset.