Managing Aged-Care Assets is a
complex specialty.
New legislation like the NSW Retirement Villages Amendment Act 2020 requires owners and operators to pay special attention to the management of their property.
At AssetWize, we have the technical expertise and experience to assist you through any stage in the Asset Management Plan.
We have a deep understanding of the Aged Care and Retirement Living property sector
and aim to provide you with the
right information
at the right time
Clear and concise reporting that helps minimise risk
AssetWize focus on partnering with our clients to generate clear and concise reporting and cost forecast outputs, tailored to align with your required financial information models. This ensures consistent delivery and minimises risk. AssetWize reduce the impact on their local resources and brings independence and consistency.
We understand that we are working in people’s homes and exercise the due respect and consideration required working with the guidance of the management teams to ensure that the residents witness minimal disruption.
We hold all required ‘Police’ and ‘Working with Vulnerable People’ checks. Our calm flexible approach enables us to react quickly to any circumstances. Our friendly team of professionals brings a unique understanding of the Aged Care sector.
Minimal disruption, respect and consideration for the Aged Care environment
Our detailed asset registers inform and devise lifecycle cost forecasts, which provide a clear breakdown of replacement costs for capital items and assets to help inform your Asset Management Plan.
These enable you to adapt to all stakeholders' rapidly changing demands, including the government, staff, and residents in the aged care sector.
The AssetWize information serves as the core of an Asset Management Plan and ensures that our clients are able to address the changing legislative requirements around medium and long-term budget forecasting, reporting, and maintaining asset values across their portfolio.
We develop comprehensive Life Cycle Cost forecasts that help you predict, acquire and maintain your Aged Care and Retirement Living property portfolio.
Due to changes in a recent amendment to the Retirement Village's Act 1999, the client, as an owner and operator of a large aged care portfolio, was required to develop and maintain an Asset Management Plan for each of their properties.
As such, the client identified the need to develop long-term site asset management plans and sought to procure condition appraisals and 20-year lifecycle cost plans for each of their sites.
The audit comprised an asset grab, condition and compliance review of the portfolio spread across a mix of care homes and independent living units across the state.
AssetWize undertook thorough site audits of each property within the portfolio to record and prepare a detailed descriptive and photographic asset register to assist the client with understanding the extent of each property.
As part of the client’s need to understand any risks associated with the portfolio, we also provided succinct summary reports for each site, noting any significant items requiring urgent attention or major lifecycle expenditure during the reporting period.
AssetWize also provided the client with long-term expenditure forecasts for both anticipated lifecycle CAPEX and planned OPEX for the next 20-year period. The information was used to populate their Asset Management System and fulfil their long-term Asset Management Plan.
Who are AssetWize?A team of experts who have a passion for the built environment and a reputation for delivering commercial advice with long term value to the property sector. AssetWize is part of the JGS Group. An independent trusted advisor, focused on intelligent investment returns. Find out more about us at
What is an Aged Care and Retirement Living Asset Register?An asset register is considered to be the fundamental information source for all property related maintenance and expenditure. It contains all capital items and assets requiring maintenance or replacement over time in a building, for example air-conditioning plant or water treatment systems. This assists in formulating the lifecycle cost of an asset and considers the condition, age and use, assesses the replacement cost and the asset’s operational maintenance requirements. This is compiled through a combination of a site audit, documentation review and consultation with our clients, operators and their service providers.
What are the key components of the Aged Care and Retirement Living Asset Management Plan?At the core of an Asset Management Plan is a lifecycle forecast. This provides clarity for: 1) The costs associated with both maintenance and replacement of capital assets identified 2) Frequency of the costs incurred 3) Expected lifespan of these items and expected maintenance and replacement requirements When considering the funding of the operational and capital expenditure forecasts for an Asset Management Plan, an appreciation of how areas are utilised and any planned refurbishment timeframes together with the maintenance standards that are expected is required.
How do AssetWize make a difference with an Asset Management Plan?AssetWize analyse the asset register information to provide additional operational/maintenance costs relative to both statutory and best practice planned maintenance as well as understanding any reactive maintenance matters requiring attention, providing you with further financial insight into the day-to-day running costs of your portfolio. This means that our lifecycle cost information can help to optimise the use of existing funds or grants made available to village operators whilst reducing costs.
Supporting property decision making through our technical understanding of the property
life cycle.
Level 15 / 60 Margaret Street
P 61 2 9299 6970
F 61 2 9262 5053
Level 24, 570 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
P 61 416 540 539
113 Canberra Avenue
P 61 2 6257 7766
F 61 2 6257 7888